Depiction- Webmaster Resources
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Welcome to Depiction, a webmaster resource site for beginners and experts to expand their web design knowledge. Our goal is to help you develop aesthetically pleasing and user friendly websites with your own creative touch. We specialize in free photoshop tutorials, but also hold a broad collection of tutorials for HTML, .htaccess, CSS, PHP, and Webmasters. We also have a download archive and a premium web template store.

Misc. Links


Page Speed Now a Ranking Factor

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Google has talked about the importance of webpage speed, and how the company wants to do everything it can to make the web a faster place. According to Matt Cutts, Google now considers website page speed a ranking factor.

Learn more


Free Social Media Pressroom Theme for WordPress
Fathom SEO, a leading search engine marketing firm, has recently released a new free theme that allows businesses to create and update a central Web page for media visibility and social networking. The customizable template is a downloadable theme designed for the WordPress blogging application.

It's increasingly clear that companies need to be approachable beyond just a "Contact Us" form. The integration of social media (networks, video, Twitter) present on the theme is a nice touch and a positive step towards PR2.0.
Download the Social Media Pressroom Theme

Useful Resources and Site Updates
Today I updated all of the spotlight positions and the web development news section here on the homepage. These include a great collection of resouces for web developers with document sharing and real-time website analytics. I also added Smashing Magazine as an additional feed in the RSS feeds section.

Within the next week I will be busy making some fresh new content. These updates include at least one new article discussing the fundamentals of usability and another photoshop tutorial. Check back soon for all the goodies.



Lunacore Tutorial Kit
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Latest Tutorials

PHP Cookie and Session Variables
An introduction to PHP cookies and session variables. PHP server variables are mainly using for sending the data from one page to another.
Category: PHP

Rayburst Text Effect - Free Photoshop Tutorials Rayburst Light Text Effect
Learn how to add a colorful rayburst light effect to text in Photoshop.
Category: Photoshop

Featured Articles

22 Must-Have WordPress Plugins for 2014
The top 22 WordPress development plugins from a professional WordPress developer's toolkit.
Create a Business You Love by Damien Senn
Weigh your options of starting your own business that you enjoy instead of working for someone else.


XRefresh XRefresh
XRefresh is a browser plugin which will refresh current web page due to file change in selected folders. This makes it possible to do live page editing with your favorite HTML/CSS editor.
Zen Coding Zen Coding
Zen Coding is an editor plugin for high-speed HTML coding and editing. The core of this plugin is a powerful abbreviation engine which allows you to expand expressions, similar to CSS selectors, into HTML code.