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Tutorials > .htaccess > Redirection


Automatically redirect visitors to a page's new location.

Have you changed the navigation structure of your website by moving or deleting pages of your site? If a visitor has the old page bookmarked or comes from a link on another site to it, they will receive a 404 error; page can not be found. Solve this by redirecting the visitor to the new page. The method below will save you time; you will not have to create a seperate page letting the visitor know where the page has moved.

In your .htaccess file, add the following to the next available line. If you don't have one, a .htaccess file will need to be created. (Please refer to the Introduction to .htaccess files tutorial to find out how to use and create .htaccess files.)

Redirect /olddirectory/oldfile.html

All you have to do to the code above is change the old and new file paths.

That's it. From now on when a visitor tries to access a file that has been moved, they will be redirected to the new one.



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