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Get A Free iPod!

Interested in getting a free iPod, iPod nano, iPod shuffle, or iPod mini? If so, read on....

Many companies have come up with an idea to help them show their products and services to people who might be interested while simultaneously rewarding those who sign up for offers with free gifts.

Most people are skeptical that these programs and offers really work, but they do! Thousands of people have already received free gifts and posted testimonials and images in galleries. has been featured and proven to work in articles by CNN, Wired, and The two main companies that have begun to give away free iPods and other free gifts include Gratis Network and OfferCentric, both of which have been proven to be legitimate and honest companies. Many other companies have appeared with similar offers, but I only mention those who follow through on their promises to send the free items in question to their customers.

How it Works

In order to get a free iPod you must be a United States resident and sign up with one of their offers (at no cost to you - although they require a credit card, phone bill, or checking account) and then get 5 of your friends to do the same thing. (Visit to find what the best offers are, some of which are completely free!) After they have verified that you and your 5 friends have indeed completed ONE offer EACH, they will send you a FREE iPOD RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR. It is very important that all referrals are at a different mailing address, or they will disqualify you!

How Do I Get One?

Signup for an account using one of the links below (it's important that you sign up with one of these links below, or you won't be able to participate in my offer), and successfully complete one of the trial offers on the site. Then use the contact form to contact me and tell me the referral link you signed up with and your referral link. Please only contact me if you have completed a trial offer. The number of people I can accept for this is limited to only about 5 at a time, so please act quickly if you're interested. Once the person with the first link receives all of their referrals necessary, the next link will become active, and so on.

I can only help out people who sign up using these links. Your account must show up in my account or the current referral's status or I won't be able to help. Once each referral gets all their referrals, they will be required to e-mail me a screen capture of their account's status page with all the e-mail addresses of those who signed up under them. Then, each will be added to the list below.

Note: Other offer links, such as free monitors or gaming systems, may become available later on Depiction.

Sign-up Links

1. Free iPod!
2. Free iPods!
3. Free iPods!

Update- You can now get a free iPod Nano!!!!- Oct. 8

I'm sure you have all heard about it, Apple's new iPod Nano. It's amazingly small and can hold 1,000 songs in your pocket. It was released nearly a month ago and you can go get one yourself by using the same affiliate links above! Our affiliates will now let you choose from either the original iPod, the new iPod Nano, or the iPod mini. What are you waiting for, sign up today! (Read more about the iPod Nano.)



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