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Webmaster Articles > What all top Google websites have in common


Find out what all top ranked websites on Google have in common.

While it is okay to admire and envy all those sites enjoy top ranking with leading search engines like Google, it is much more important to study these sites closely. You will definitely end up learning a lot that will prove to be very useful in helping you take your own site to the top of Google rankings.

Topping the search engines will mean huge volumes of traffic on a daily basis without you having to do anything. Healthy traffic, as you know almost automatically translates itself to healthy revenue for the site. And when you consider that over 75 per cent of the traffic that finds its’ way to websites comes from search engines, you quickly realize how important and crucial top rankings in search engines are to any online business.

So what will you be looking for when closely studying some of the top ranking sites? The answer is in the fact these sites have done something right and have certain strengths which millions of other sites all over the world do not have. It will be even more useful if you can find a common thread that links all the top sites.

In this article we will look at two that this writer noticed recently when studying top ranked Google sites.


Very well written, quality, targeted, content
With the hundreds of small details that a webmaster usually has to take care of, it is very easy to forget or downplay the importance of well written quality content. All the handful of top Google sites that I took a closer look at had exceptionally well-written, targeted, quality content. No visible typos or grammatical errors.

It is clear that at least Google take into account the quality of writing when ranking websites. This simple observation means that if you make efforts to sustain a high standard in the quality of content on your site, you are already on the right path to higher search engine rankings.

Good quality content will not only bring back your site visitors again and again, but will also trigger word of mouth, and even more important, quality links pointing to your site which are bound to bring loads of traffic.


A Marketing Plan To Get Traffic To Their Websites
All the top ranked Google sites that I studied all had elaborate marketing plans for generating constant and increased traffic to their sites. The majority had affiliate programs. In the offline hey days I remember people used to say that without marketing it did not matter how good your product was, your business would die. The same is very true for any online enterprise today.

Take the time to take a closer look at top ranking websites, study their history and find the secrets they used that you too can apply to your online business.

About the Author
Lois S. is a Technical Executive Writer for and with experience in the website hosting industry.



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